Friday, April 16, 2010

Call for Help!

Disclaimer: Now, let me tell you, although the world revolves around truth that is said in the most subtle way to be politically correct or sugar coated because it might hurt the other person, I've never gotten into such bad habits. I shall say things as it is.

Recently, I've heard a lot of instances of wife beating. It is apparently prevailing in an Urban society among the so-called educated youths. We've heard these stories to exist in remote places during early Independence days and maybe in some villages where government's rules and regulations were hard to employ. But it is sickening to know that girls even today go through this hell and still keep quiet to protect their marriage. They even keep this a secret and not letting their own parents know about the pain and hardship they undergo on a regular basis. I ask these girls, if your husband really loved you and cared about you, would he dare yell at you, let alone the thought of beating you up? If he really loved you, wouldn't he be sorry about his behaviour? If you're a strong woman (although there is a redundancy there!), wouldn't you stand up for your own rights? Your parents gave you a wonderful life and now you're going through this hell, for what, because you love him? So that your child can have a family?
I strongly urge the women of today to stand up against such assaults and protect themselves. A marriage is true only when you and your husband/ wife promise to keep each other happy, protect each other in difficult times.
India is a conservative land. Women are now fully aware about their rights and ways to protect themselves. Like how rape is a crime, wife beating is also a crime and thanks to women who keep their mouth shut and not letting the world know, most of these men go unpunished. Do you really think they deserve such a life? Do you really think you're willing to get bruises all over your body for the rest of your life to protect the so-called sanctity of your marriage?
It is so easy to crib about the system and our country. It is the responsibility of each one of us to stand up against something which disturbs us, bothers us.
Women, realize, the man you love(d) no longer cares about you, he punishes you only because you're conservative, secretive. Stand up and fight for what you deserve. Once a man becomes your husband, he doesn't get the right to hurt you, beat you or kill you. Nobody does. We're the masters of ourself. Remember to tell your parents about the difficulty you're facing. Maybe you're taught to keep things with yourself once your married but when you can't do something about it, its always better to seek help and who better than your own parents.

As a woman and a soon-to-be-wife, I urge you to live life your way. Living with a cruel man is in itself a bad thing to do, protecting such criminals and letting them get their way is even worse. Lets beat the system and stop men from ruling or ruining our life.
This calls for a change. A change for good.

Hail womanhood!

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